We are interested in your opinion

Thank you for finding time to leave your feedback.</br></br>Giving feedback by submitting this form is anonymous. The form does not serve as official complaint.

Your opinion:

Based on your experience with Tatra banka, how likely are you to recommend Tatra banka to your friends and acquaintances? *

<p style="color: red;font-size: 12px">The questions marked with a star are mandatory.</p>
If you wish that we responded, please leave your contact data.

Name and surname:



<a class="btn-memorandum" style="font-size: 12px" href="https://www.tatrabanka.sk/files/archiv/en/about/legal-information/Information_memorandum_of_personal_data_protection.pdf" target="_blank"> Information memorandum of personal data protection</a>